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Never Let Me Go Page 3

  “What in the hell are you doing? It looks like a banshee tore through this place,” Jaxx says as he walks into my room.

  “My earrings. I can’t find them, and they’re my favorite. I always wear them when we go somewhere.” He had gotten them for me on our first Christmas together, and I immediately fell in love with them.

  “Babe, don’t worry about them right now. We’re going to be late meeting everyone. I’m sure they’ll turn up soon. Come on, let’s go.”

  It was our first time getting together with our friends since we’d gotten jobs after graduation. We were going to a lake house we had all pitched in to rent for the weekend. It was an hour drive to get there, and we were already running late. By the time we got to the house we knew everyone would be there waiting. The long driveway was lined with towering trees and every branch was covered in lights creating a magical glow. Just the sight had me mesmerized. I hadn’t remembered reading about this when we booked the house online. As we made our way down the gravel driveway and finally pulled in front of the large house next to the other cars, Jaxx started thumping his fingers anxiously on the steering wheel. “Well, you ready to go in? It looks like everyone is here.” Walking through the doorway into the house we were greeted like always.

  “It’s about time you shitbags got here. Harrington’s already gone through a bag of chips, four hot dogs, and five beers. I swear he’s a fucking trashcan,” Jaxx’s best friend Graham yells at us from the large open kitchen as he cracks open a cold beer for himself before coming over to give us both a hug. “It’s been too long buddy,” he says slapping Jaxx on the back. “Sawyer, how’s my favorite girl doing these days?” Before I have time to answer I’m lifted into the air and spun around in circles. I giggle as he puts me down.

  “You’re lucky I like you or else I’d have to beat you for putting your hands on my lady like that.” Jaxx uses two of his fingers to point at his eyes then turns them toward Graham and mouths, ‘I’m watching you’ before picking our bags back up. “Which room is ours?”

  “Obviously the master, since y’all are the only two dating in this group. It’s upstairs, the last door on your left,” Harrington points out for us using another hot dog he’s already eaten half of. He’s Graham’s twin brother. I still had a hard time deciphering between the two sometimes. Lucky for me Graham had recently grown out a goatee, making it easy on me this weekend. They stood tall at six foot two with long, lean swimmers bodies that had been developed since they were old enough to be in a pool. Short, thick, brown hair that had a deep richness to it with natural golden highlights and strong cheekbones. Graham was the adventurous, outgoing ladies’ man, but Harrington seemed to like the more modest one, the one who was more reserved. Either one would be a great catch in my opinion.

  “Babe, why don’t you go find Charlee while I put our things upstairs? I think she’s down by the dock.” He gives me a kiss on my forehead and heads upstairs before I turn to grab a drink from the refrigerator. Scanning over the alcohol and my favorite hard cider I sadly settle on bottled water. “Graham, keep your hands to yourself and off my woman you donkey.” Rolling my eyes and giggling to myself at his use of ‘donkey’ for the millionth time in our relationship, I make my way through the open kitchen to the expansive living room. Windows make up an entire wall facing the lake. I bet that a sunrise and sunset would look amazing when reflected off the water and the light paint of the other three walls in the room. Dark worn, russet colored leather couches sit atop an off-white woven rug and face the large flat screen television, which is housed on top of an antique dresser. I can see the boys already set up their Xbox system to play games and oh joy, they brought six controllers. I’m sure I’ll be conned into playing so one of them can follow behind me with their gun pointed at my head while I circle around aimlessly because I can’t see them and they know firsthand that I suck at video games which makes me their favorite target. Seriously though, I can’t even beat Mario Brothers.

  Sliding open the glass door, I step onto the patio. It was starting to get fairly dark out so I reach back through the doorway to turn on a light switch. Nope, not that one…or that one. Leaning back a little further without putting any actual effort into my actions by taking one step back inside the house, I found the last switch I could reach. Third time’s the charm! I was expecting a normal light attached to the house to illuminate the patio and possibly some of the path to the water, but what I got took my breath away. Just like the driveway, the trees surrounding the patio were lined with lights. Not a branch was forgotten. It reminded me of Opry Mills during Christmas, which is a special memory because Jaxx asked me to be his girlfriend under the tree lights there. A small path was paved by lights down to a gazebo I hadn’t noticed earlier that was also covered with lights. The reflection on the water from the gazebo was mesmerizing. I almost get lost in a daze until I hear Charlee’s yelling through my thoughts - doesn’t take much though, that girl’s got some pipes.

  “It’s about damn time you got here bish. Come give me some lovin’.” A few years ago we had started our own language, bish being one of those words we used quite often to lessen the sting of calling one another a bitch all the time. Now it’s an endearing term we use lovingly.

  “How long have y’all been here? Everyone has harassed us for being so late. Speaking of that, have you seen my diamond earrings? I was looking for them before we came here, and I can’t find them anywhere.” After making my way down the short path to the gazebo I sit down next to her and wiggle closer to snuggle with my bestie.

  “Oh, umm…about that. I think they might be…upstairs… in…my bag,” she says scratching the side of her neck as she looks everywhere around us avoiding eye contact with me.

  “What a hooker!” I shove her a little with my shoulder and pretend to be pissed. “I trashed my closet looking for those. I’m making you come over and clean when we get home. I won’t forget, either,” I say while raising my eyebrows at her.

  “You never do.”

  “You’re damn right I don’t. So what’s been going on lately? I feel like we haven’t seen each other in a while. Why have you been so busy all of a sudden?”

  “Oh you know, there are plenty of crazy people in this town that need some form of psychological help. Working at this new office and trying to learn as much as I can from the psychologists there takes up most of my time, not to mention I’m working toward my Master’s. So, you know…not much time there.” She pulls her phone from her pocket and blocks it from my view with her body while reading a text. What the hell?

  “You have a new boyfriend you don’t want me to know about? Don’t hide shit from me bish.” I try to grab her phone, but she stands up abruptly and slides it back in her pocket.

  “I’m pretty thirsty. I think I’ll get something from the kitchen. You want anything? I’ll get you those earrings while I’m in the house, too.” Charlee practically sprints away before I can sarcastically show her the water I’ve been holding in my hand the entire time we’ve been talking. Something really fucking weird is going on, and I want to know what. I contemplate going after her to get to the bottom of what that was all about and find out who was texting her, but peering out at the reflection of the gazebo lights and the moon on the lake, all thoughts of that fall to the back of my mind. It’s been a long time since I’ve been able to let my mind become completely void of everything going on in my life, and it calms me. There are some things that I need to get out in the open with everyone here, but Jaxx needs to be the first to know. I can’t begin to imagine what he’s going to think, let alone say, when I tell him. This confession is going to change our entire relationship. I’m so consumed in my thoughts that I don’t hear someone approaching.

  “What are you doing out here by yourself, beautiful?” Jaxx slides into the seat next to me and throws his arm around my shoulder bringing me into his side.

  “Charlee was out here with me, but went kind of crazy after getting a text that she wouldn’t let me
look at and ran back inside. Did you see her in there?”

  “Yeah, she grabbed something to drink, a bag of chips, and plopped on the couch between the guys. She seemed fine to me, although I don’t think Graham is too fond of losing to a girl while playing Call of Duty. Wow,” he says taking his eyes off of me and now looking out at the water, “this is amazing. It’d be nice to have a house on the lake one day, don’t you think?”

  Jaxx and I have been dating for almost four years and not once has he mentioned marriage. I think because his parents got divorced at such a young age that he’s scared he’ll repeat the cycle. Hearing him talk about our future and the possibility of it leading to us living together or getting married one day has my mind and my heart racing. I have to tell him, there’s no getting around this.

  “Jaxx, I...”

  “I know; I never talk about where our relationship is going. Everything is perfect with us though Sawyer,” he says turning to look at me. “We’ve both started our dream jobs, and we’re learning so much, not only about work and the real world, but about each other too. It’s just…” He stands up and starts to pace from one end of the gazebo to the other, while gripping his hair with his large hands.

  “Babe, you’re sort of freaking me out. Are you having a panic attack?” I walk over to him and place my hand on his back while he leans over the railing and looks out at the water. I look down and see his right hand shaking. “You’re shaking. Do you need me to get Graham?” It was convenient to know someone aspiring to become a doctor, especially when they were here with us.

  “No, no I’m all right. It’s just…never mind, it’s nothing.” Standing upright he turns toward me and places my hands into his. “Sawyer, you know I love you right?” I nod, still too nervous from his earlier actions to say anything. “It’s just, I’ve never pictured myself wanting those things- marriage, a big house filled with kids. I’ve never really wanted them for myself, for good reason I believe, and I’ve grown to accept that.” I can hear myself gulp audibly and his grip on my hands loosens which scares me even more. Reaching into his jean pocket he pulls out the box that holds my earrings, reminding me to kick Charlee’s ass later tonight. “Before I forget, I have something you’ve been looking for.” I take it from him and open the box, but what I see is not at all what I expected. An antique style diamond ring is tucked inside the black velvet liner. Two thin separate diamond encrusted bands lead to an ornate and enormous circular diamond that is bordered by additional, smaller sized diamonds. HOLY FUCK! This thing is huge, at least two carats. Prying my eyes away from the ring, as hard as that was to do, I look up to where I thought Jaxx was standing in front of me. Only-he isn’t standing-he is down on one knee. Taking my left hand that was free from holding the box he gives me a smirk. “Sawyer, before you, I was a hopeless man coasting through life, just going through the motions, thinking I knew exactly where life was going to take me. But since we’ve been together, that life I had and thought I wanted has taken more twists, turns, flips and detours than I ever imagined. For that I am most grateful. You have shown me what it truly means to love another person more than myself and I will spend the rest of my life trying to be the best man for you that I can possibly be. Sawyer Marie Hall, will you marry me?” Tears fall from my eyes and there is only one thing I can say in response. I can’t hold it back any longer…he has to know.

  “Jaxx…I’m pregnant.” His face quickly turns from elation and hope to one of curiosity and confusion. I can tell he was trying to process what I just said – hell, I’m not sure I’ve fully processed it yet since I’ve only known for three days. I know what is going through his mind. We just started dream jobs and we’re starting to get our lives on the right track. This pregnancy is taking that train on a major detour.

  “Preg...” That’s all he gets out before he starts coughing repeatedly. Oh God, he is choking now. Shit, what do I do? What is it that you do when someone chokes? How am I supposed to keep a tiny person alive if I can’t help a grown man stop choking on his own words? Thinking quickly I grab my bottled water from the bench, twist the cap off and hand it to him. After chugging the entire bottle he wipes his lips with the back of his hand and looks up at me.

  “Wow. All right so where were we?”

  “I told you I was pregnant.” This is harder than I thought. That’s what she said! HA! Even my own mind won’t let me get away without thinking that. Could have picked a more convenient time, but what’s a girl to do?

  “Right….pregnant. Umm…Where do I start? How long have you known?”

  “I found out Wednesday during my lunch break. I have pictures to show you.” Not that he will be able to tell what it is, but it is still pretty amazing.


  “Listen, I know this is a bit overwhelming right now with everything that’s happening with the proposal and all, but I had to let you know before we went any further. I love you more than anything in the world and want you for the rest of my life, but if you want to postpone our engagement for a while I’d understand.” Standing up, Jaxx cups my face with his hands.

  “Sawyer, we’ll get through this together. I’m scared, I’m not going to lie, but I couldn’t imagine anyone else I’d rather be going through this with. I still want to marry you, if you’ll have me.”

  “In that case, YES! Put it on me, put it on me, put it on me!” I felt like Amy from The Big Bang Theory when she got a tiara. Taking the ring from the box he slowly slides it onto my finger once I stop bouncing up and down. Holy crap. This ring was MADE for my finger. People better not mess with me. I’ll have to use this to knock their asses out. It is perfection in my eyes, and I am the happiest woman on earth.

  “I love you Sawyer.”

  “I love you too Jaxx,” I say with a smile. Leaning into him our lips melt together. We’ve kissed plenty of times before and trust me they were amazing-obviously since I am knocked up- but this kiss held the most passion I’ve ever felt coming from him, and I am left breathless when he pulls away.

  “Come on, there’s another surprise I have in store for you.” Taking my hand and leading me back to the house, which he has to do because I am tripping over my own feet ogling my ring, we walk into the living room where everyone is still plastered to the couch engrossed in their game.

  “Hey donkeys, we’ve got some news.”

  “You finally hit puberty?” Charlee’s smart mouth makes me giggle.

  “Dude, your balls finally dropped? Damn, it’s about time, congrats.” Graham goads him along further, eyes still on the television screen.

  “Your peach fuzz is turning into a ball ‘fro?” Harrington is the only one to turn away from the game, which I’m assuming means he was killed, and look at us. When he did, he notices my ring right off the bat. “What the hell is that?” Standing up he rushes over to us, getting the attention of the others. Charlee, of course, coming to stand next to me notices it right away too.

  “HOLY SHIT! That’s HUGE!”

  “That’s what she said,” we all reply in unison.

  “Seriously you bastards, grow up. I’m so glad you said yes, it was hard keeping it from you. Especially since I had to steal that box from your closet like a ninja. But I did it...and you’re welcome.”

  “Well thank you. Go ahead and pat yourself on the back for me”

  “Your sarcasm is always welcome. Congratulations hon, I’m so happy for you,” she says hugging me. Turning toward Jaxx she gives him a smile. “Come here you donkey, bring it in.” He chuckles and gives her a hug as well.

  “We’re so happy for you guys, honestly.” Graham and Harrington both say hugging us as well.

  “That’s not all…” I tease them.

  “What do you mean? That’s a lot of shit for one night.” Charlee is confused. I know she will be mad that I didn’t tell her first, but I am pretty sure the father of my little minion needs to know before its aunt did.

  “We’re having a baby!” There it was - the reaction I kne
w I’d get from them all. Their jaws literally drop and I’m surprised their eyes are still in the sockets. After what seems like the longest thirty seconds of my life, Graham is the first to respond.

  “Dude, you finally had sex! You beat me to it, you lucky bastard.” They do the lamest high-five I’ve ever seen with their left feet lifting and pointing in the air.

  “I’m going to be an aunt?” I nod in response to Charlee with a smile. “This kid’s going to be fucking awesome.”

  “Congrats guys. You’ll be great parents,” Harrington gives us both big smiles.

  “Thanks guys. She’s not very far along, so anything could still happen, but we’re very excited. Tonight has been kind of crazy and overwhelming, but amazing at the same time. If you don’t mind I’ve got one last surprise to show Sawyer.”

  “She’s obviously already seen your wiener. If she’s still going to marry you after that, I don’t think it’s going to be much of a surprise.”

  “Nice one Charlee,” Graham praises her.

  “Very funny. Let’s go babe.” He takes hold of my hand.

  “Dude, you have to come play this game with us when y’all get done upstairs. This shit is getting good!” Graham can hardly contain his excitement.

  “Good luck with that,” Jaxx says. “There’s plenty of time for Call of Duty, but now it’s time for that call of booty.” Slapping his chest I can’t help but laugh hysterically. He’s such an ass.

  The railing making its way up the stairs consists of an elaborate wrought iron design of tree branches that wrap around the corners of the wall that are painted in a calming sea foam green with white trim around the doorways. Opening the large wooden door to the bedroom I am once again left breathless. The entire room is glowing with white candles in different sized mason jars. White flower petals make a trail on the floor to the king-size bed that is adorned with a cream down comforter and recycled barn wood headboard. The side table and mantle above the fireplace both have blue mason jars filled with white flowers. There is no way the home owner did this, especially with the devilish grin Jaxx has plastered on his handsome face as he advances toward me. I love this man.